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Finding Your Power Suit: Dressing Up To Feel Good

by Betsy Gonzalez

As a female entrepreneur and mother of two young daughters, it’s often hard to find time for myself; even more so in today’s world where most of us are currently confined to our homes. Despite how busy and frenzied life can be, with so many commitments and so little time, I have made the resolute decision to get ready each and every morning. I have a routine that involves selecting an outfit, doing my hair, and putting on some makeup. And I choose to do this for myself because dressing up makes me feel like I can do anything, accomplish the impossible, and take on the world. There’s a theory behind this, called “enclothed cognition” – and it’s not a legend. Multiple studies have shown that dressing up increases one’s performance and boosts one’s confidence. Studies may show this, but I can also attest to it. Doesn’t it seem like having a new look each day, or dressing up with your favorite mood lifting staples, somehow clears your mind and gets you ready for the new day? I certainly think so, and doubt I am alone in this.  

Getting ready doesn’t have to mean stepping into sky-high stilettos and jumping into a form-fitting pencil skirt (although I, personally, love to wear heels as often as possible, and sometimes can’t resist a sultry pencil skirt!). It can mean something different every day, and is generally a reflection, or manifestation, of mood. I select my outfit depending on how I feel each morning (never the night before!). Some mornings, I want to be bold, in which case I opt for a jazzy print, or a bright color combination; other days I just decide that I want to be cozier than ever and put on some cute jogging pants, a luxurious sweater, a baseball cap, and open-toe flats for a chic yet comfy at-home look. Despite being at home these days, I still feel the desire to wear a more elevated look and to have fun with fashion every so often. My daughters love to see me wearing fun clothes (and often ask me if they can have some of the items when they are older). 

Dressing up is all about finding that extra something - your personal version of “the power suit” and what makes YOU feel good. Consequently, turning yourself into the perfect picture of who you think you are and what represents you best. That’s the whole beauty of dressing up for success. 

I have to admit that dressing up not only affects my mood and my outlook, but it also impacts my creativity. It’s motivational. I can more easily concentrate. I push myself every morning to wear clothing that has a significant positive impact on my mood and boosts my self-esteem. That energy, and optimism, gets transmitted through my work and into my designs. I want the woman I design for to experience the positive energy and vision of empowerment that’s translated into my creations. 

Which is why working in my personal power suit, my unique look and sharing who I am as a person, as a woman, is extremely important. Dressing up is a big part of who I am, and it makes me happy! One of the reasons I created Mia Becar is to elevate and support those around me and celebrate uniqueness and personality. My collections feature versatile and diverse styles, ranging from kitten-heeled pumps to jelly slides to high-heeled sandals. Every woman’s style is special – so there’s something for every woman, and her every mood. I want to empower women, of all tastes and personalities, through offering them timeless, feminine, chic and comfortable shoes made to move with them. I hope to give women the extra boost of confidence they all deserve - because it’s time to feel good about yourself, ladies! 

Indulge yourself. Choose what makes you happy, always. And experiment with enclothed cognition! It’s tempting to stay in pajamas these days, no doubt, but give dressing up a try. Clothes, and some special shoes, might just be the course to hope and optimism we all need as we embark on a new year.