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An Edit From Angelo Mitakos Of British GQ

by Angelo Mitakos

Angelo Mitakos is the Junior Fashion Editor for British GQ. Read on for his musings on post-lockdown style. 

After what feels like a lifetime of living in your tracksuit the thought of getting ready can be quite a daunting prospect, but lockdown is easing so it's time to fall back in love with getting ready. 

To start off, I want to give you one rule of getting ready…wear whatever you want.

The art of putting on an outfit is a funny one- it's littered with do's & don'ts. You find yourself googling ‘Mens Fashion 2020’ BUT if your outfit makes you feel confident and comfortable, then there is no need to keep trying things on. If you are lacking some inspiration, why not raid someone else’s wardrobes? Your dad's vintage tonic suit? fab. Your brothers early 00s dog tag- essential. Your mum's 80's pearl necklace? Dust them off and put ‘em on. The main thing is to always have fun, show your best self and ooze confidence with everything you do, wear and say.

Now we have that out the way it's time to actually get ready! Firstyly, what sort of dresser are you? These sorts of questions always remind me of those spider charts in Smash Hits magazine; you would answer a series of questions to find out what popstar you are. But seriously, what kind of dresser are you?...

Are you the kind of person who considers the weather, if so, rain and suede are worst enemies. Do you put comfort first? In that case leather or latex during a hot summers day is a big no-no. Think about the day ahead, the events you are going to and the journey you have.

If you are still feeling a little cautious then how about this...

So we have all lived in pyjamas for the past couple of months so why not try incorporating this into your everyday look? These blue silk ‘
Not Just Pajama’ pyjamas are great for both in and out the house. I would go a size up for a super slung look, then semi tuck in the shirt and pair it with this LMJ cracked agate ring

If you are feeling a little more adventurous, why not try the 
faces tee by ‘Westmark London’  go a size down for a tight 70s look; pair it with the Jiri Kalfar flares and finish with the ‘Paloma Lira’ dark night shirt

I’m going to leave it with this: Annie may have sung that 'you are never fully dressed without a smile' but fashion is all about expression so always stay true to yourself and that will be your best look.