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Festina Lente Home

The atelier and shop Festina Lente Home is in the heart of the the Isola district, a neighbourhood of craftsmen in Milan, Italy. We make precious, phthalate-free home fragrances, crafted in small batches with vegan and cruelty-free ingredients in 100% recyclable packaging. For our candles we use GMO-free, natural soy wax and wicks made of cotton and paper - free of lead or zinc. The solvents of the vegetable reed diffusers are glycerine-based and produced with low environmental impact. Our complex scents are inspired by the changing of the seasons, the memories of travels, and the joy of small, everyday things. The Latin motto Festina Lente means, Make Haste Slowly. Our logo is inspired by gold coins minted for the emperor Augustus in ancient Rome as a symbol of the motto: the crab relies on the wings of the butterfly to take flight, the butterfly needs the crab's help to prevent getting into trouble. To us Festina Lente means, "Have purpose but keep your feet on the ground. Even if it's urgent, take your time. Savour every moment. Do things slowly. Do them well and enjoy." This mantra guides our every decision as a brand and every day in the workshop.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand