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LYBETHRAS Swimwear was founded in 2007 by Luciana Martinez. Lu's passion for designing clothing started at an early age of six years old when she began sewing clothing for her dolls. As you grew, she continued this passion by making clothing for her friends and family. Having lived in Brasil, Lu was exposed to the swimwear industry, but she felt that many of the bikinis were too simple for her liking. Her next goal then became to make bikinis that emphasized a point of unique difference. Luciana had the sincere desire then, and still does today, to craft beautiful, unique, and high-quality Brazilian swimwear that will set her customers apart from the mass-marketed and over-produced bikinis within the industry. Thus, Lybethras was founded.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Re/Upcycled Materials
Charitable Donation
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand