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Olivia Taylor

Olivia Taylor is a sustainable jewellery brand based in Scotland. Designer and maker, Olivia, aims to create a brand of stylish, contemporary jewellery translating her love for design and fine jewellery into a new form of statement pieces. Inspired by Japanese architecture and design philosophy, the Ondulée collection consists of delicate necklaces, statement bracelets, elegant earrings and eye-catching rings, all with the signature Ondulée design. This elegant yet structural design is unique and catches the light beautifully in every piece. Each piece of jewellery is handmade by Olivia using ethically sourced precious metals. She is environmentally conscious in her design process and recycles every piece of offcut then transforms them into new pieces; creating very little waste.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Re/Upcycled Materials
Ethical Leader
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand