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Pocket & Fold

For many years the Pocket Square was a must-have accessory for every true gentleman, but times have changed, and nowadays the Pocket Square is simply a fashion accessory worn by only a few, very stylish, men. The Pocket & Fold story is simple, they wanted to bring back the functionality that is long lost from a gentleman’s pocket, but with a modern-day twist. In a world with handheld computers and smart watches there is a new niche for the Pocket Square, the need to clean our filthy gadgets and glasses. With this in mind, their Pocket Squares are made from a high quality Microfibre fabric that is luxurious to touch but perfect for effortlessly removing smears and fingerprints from our devices, eyewear, camera lenses and more. At Pocket & Fold, the collection of Multifunctional Pocket Squares come in individual, double sided designs, in an assortment of classic and contemporary styles and colours. Each Pocket Square has been named after famous squares in their home city of London, and predict their Pocket Squares will become as iconic as their namesake.
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