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YELLI JEWELS are Neo- Amazigh handcrafted creations of 925 silver jewelry designed by Samia Benbrahim. The values of the brand are AUTHENTICITY + TIMELESSNESS + UNIVERSALITY. It’s through the Berber jewels, guardians of the ancestral legacy inherited from mother to daughter, that Samia have built the image of the Moroccan culture since she was young and led her to this beautiful journey, constantly seeking to quench her thirst for knowledge of the Arts and Crafts. Then, she naturally decided to re-interpret the Amazigh culture under a new light, one closer to her personal history, in a NEO-BERBER way to tell her story through her designs. It after her adventures, a solo 7-months trip in Asia, that Samia gets used to scribbling her thoughts and ideas and that the brand was born.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Re/Upcycled Materials
Natural Materials
Ethical Leader
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand