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Adriana Chede Jewellery

Upon beginning our day we intentionally choose our jewellery allowing it to bring us a sprinkling of joy to our journey. The creations can be a gift from someone special, or simply a memento from a special occasion. Each piece is for her, it is a connection to that time, a story that is bound to that jewel, never to be forgotten. The designer incorporates this desire into her craft. The pieces are personal, taking inspiration from the life that surrounds us and using these inspirations to create unique, simple pieces. Timeless, small and delicate jewels that form your own tailor made individual collection. Every piece is created by hand, with its own story to tell. The jewellery is a reflection of the miniscule, organic moments of life, giving women the energy to feel confident and strong when wearing the pieces. This is not simply jewellery, it is art.
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