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Glam & Rock

Ranna Zahra Suhail is a Kurdish Arab Designer from London. Her Kurdish heritage has been a strong inspiration in her designs, with vivid memories of her Kurdish grandmother - a tiny fiery gypsy, with tribal facial tattoos and beautiful long henna red hair. Glam & Rock represents a lifestyle which is both Glamorous and Bohemian yet has a Rock vibe. Life is fluid and there are no rules to looking good except being true to oneself. What we wear should tell a story about not only ourselves but also our journey, where we have been and how we live. That is Glam & Rock. Glam & Rock’s signature tie-dye was inspired by a kite surfing trip in Sri Lanka. Their cashmere silk shawls are woven in Srinagar, Kashmir. They reach Mumbai raw and un-dyed. They are then individually tie-dyed. No shawl or garment is ever the same, as each has a variation of colour and tone. This gives the wearer a true custom made item.
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