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We are a sustainable fashion brand. In todays world, sustainability in fashion has just become a gimmick. We want to stand in this environment of consumerism, and ask for our consumers to pause for a moment. We make fashion which is worth pausing for, we tell a story in every piece, sometimes of communities or age old Artisians, sometimes of just the authenticity of nature, and sometimes a futuristic take on what fashion could be. We make pieces which are reflective of their own personality and have some extra value to give. Our clothes are not just a commodity they are an experience, of connecting. We believe that sustainability is not a one size fits all kind of a problem. Therefore we present to you different viewpoints and perspectives in our collection.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Re/Upcycled Materials
Natural Materials
Charitable Donation
Ethical Leader
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand