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Horoscope Deep Dive: A Chat on Cancer

by Wolf & Badger

Goodbye Gemini season and hello Cancer! Stella Andromena tells us all about the Cancer sign and what to expect during Cancer season. Read more in 'Cancer' by Stella Andromena, published by Hardie Grant Publishing, available in our London store or via Papersmiths website.


Loyal, kind,sympathetic –all this is true about Cancer, but they can also appear to be a little ‘crabby’: like the crab that depicts this sign, there is a very gentle and soft interior that occasionally needs quite a hard exterior to hide and safeguard their feelings. The crab is also at home on land and in water, so is comfortable both in the real world but also in the shifting seas of their imagination. Make no mistake, Cancer is all about feelings and, ruled by the Moon, those shifting tides of feelings fluctuate very strongly below the surface.Cancer is also a cardinal sign, with a strong, ambitious engagement with the real world and its inhabitants, andis very much a people person too. 

They are all about relationships, with their lover especially, but also their family and friends. Once they make a commitment they hang on tight, giving them that other well-known characteristic of the sign of the crab–tenacity. Like its ruler, the Moon, Cancer can similarly appear to fluctuate in intensity–sometimes easily ‘seen’ and sometimes less so–which gives this sign something of a reputation for moodiness. It’s not so much moodiness, but the need for occasional timeout necessary to process all those feelings–retreating into their shell to do so–that can make them disappear emotionally. This detachment can disguise something of a brooder, who finds it hard to let go of worrisome thoughts. There can be an element of secrecy, too,as they are quite capable of hiding feelings and information and won’t give much away unless it’s safe to do so.

Regardless of their sex, Cancer tends to have a strongly nurturing, maternal side, because the Moon is gendered female in its attributes. They are often depicted as the carers of the zodiac, and this can be seen in Cancer’s love of family and the ability to create a wonderful home life, but also in the way this care is extended to other people (or animals). They often relate easily to children, and can be nostalgic about their own childhood, which can also create a potentially child-like need for security but, because they are also a cardinal sign, they can be very pragmatic and are as capable of creating this for themselves as for others. No walkover; there’s a real strength and resilience to Cancer that’s not always so obvious from their softer, more evidently intuitive side.

The Cancer woman

The epitome of feminine, the Cancer woman may seem quietly flirtatious but she’s also deeply sensual and, once she falls in love,her commitment is strong. Loyalty is a key component as long as her trust isn’t betrayed, and she doesn’t take kindly to being fooled. That quiet demeanour can be deceptive,because beneath that softness lies a steely resolve to make a difference and get things done.

The Cancer man

The Cancer man takes his role as protector pretty seriously and will sometimes appear rather old-fashioned in their approach to do so. Romantic gestures are genuine but may also serve to test the water, because if he is to risk his affections he needs to be sure,as Cancer takes any rejection hard.This mix of masculine sensitivity is very attractive but can sometimes be tricky to balance.

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