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Aber Gazzi

Aber Gazzi is a British designer , who is now based in Milan. She create and produce in her small studio in Milan. Aber Gazzi is huge believer of Human-rights. All her creations always speaks or inspiered by Human-rights. She is a creator who studies People from different sizes and heights and the way they look at life, what they have in their thoughts, but most of all their body language. That’s how she gets most of her influences. T-Gazzi by Aber Gazzi is a t-shirt that inspired by todays life, and the people from around the world. The Prints are inspired by braille, there for they are hand embroidered that gives the feel of 3D to 2D. We call our t-shirts (T-Gazzi) because (T stand for present and future), and Gazzi means warrior. T-Gazzi has no size, no age and is unisex. Each copy of design looks slightly unique then the other. There for You always have one of a kind T-Gazzi. For this spiacel T-shirt we got many people from all over the world involte by making a documentary. It talks about people around the world presenting them self and where they come from. Then will say something good about anther country. Is about united people together.
Independent Brand