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We are a fashion brand – but we are also a manifesto for a woman’s mindset whenever she choses what to wear. We believe clothes should inspire you to feel how you want to feel: Relaxed, Confident, Sarcastic, Wise, Fun, Melancholic, Thrilled. And we strive to inspire women to see and choose clothes that feel good to wear, beyond trends or uniforms. As a vehicle for whatever they feel in a certain moment in time. While our mindset is global, our designs are local – Abraham is a brand ”Made Entirely in Romania”. As you can see, we take pride in being part of the local fashion industry, and we strive to help it grow. This is why we work together with other local brands whenever we can – from sourcing, to manufacturing and production. And we encourage you to do the same.
Happy Worker
Preferred Animal Material
Skilled Artisan
Independent Brand