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Our brand was established in 2000s and it's a family business based in Riga,Latvia. Riga is an example of the Baltic Art Nouveau in architecture, and Latvia is one of the greenest countries in Europe on the shores of the Baltic North Sea. The combination of these two points is the DNA of the brand. The philosophy of our brand is sustainable Nordic fashion and basis of traditions. We use only natural fabrics, especially we love to work with Baltic linen and organic-cottons. All product are made based on traditions of sewing craftsmanship almost by hand and much is given to design, which ensures a perfect fit. The colours of ANNA LED brand are the whole palette of natural northern landscapes. Our customers choose us for comfort, unique author's style, quality and natural fabrics.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Re/Upcycled Materials
Natural Materials
Ethical Leader
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand