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Anna Machado Jewelry Design

Anna Machado Schoellerman is a jewelry designer based in New York City. Raised in the small town of Pancas in Espírito Santo, Brazil, Anna spent the early years of her life surrounded by the mountains and forests of the Pontões Capixabas Natural Park. Memories of this vibrant and visually dynamic environment - together with the colorful fabrics and delicate embroidery of her grandmothers - are evident in the precise and soulful lines of Anna's designs. As a teenager, Anna moved to Rio de Janeiro where she studied social communications and pursued a career in advertising. In Rio she formed lifelong friendships and a love of the carioca spirit. Later, Anna lived in San Francisco and London before moving to New York and establishing Anna Machado Jewelry Design. Today, she lives with her husband and son in Manhattan. Anna's life and work have been always dynamic: embracing change and nurturing creativity were not only choices, but her response to deeper callings. Jewelry design has become a natural expression of Anna's diverse life experiences. Anna trained as a bench jeweler before earning her degrees in jewelry design and CAD from GIA in New York City.
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