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Carmen Molina

Visual artist and designer Carmen Molina has a life story that spans the globe, and intertwined within her history is the origin story of her art. Carmen’s silk clothing, like herself, is rooted in a deep love of the city and the natural landscape, borne in her early life in Colombia, and nourished years later throughout a journey East to West, from India to the California Pacific Coast. Reaching full fruition in her current home of Los Angeles, Carmen’s clothing is a reflection of a life that celebrates the world within and without. Carmen Molina’s prints derive from her photographs, documenting the passage of time, in places that are raw and wild. Although the work originates from her representational photography, a process of deconstruction and layering turns it into abstract art.
Happy Worker
Preferred Animal Material
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Ethical Leader
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand