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Liisa Soolepp

Designer Liisa Soolepp creates stories through knitwear that is made to last. Her simple, yet personal perspective is born and bred by cold climate, life in Eastern European province and desire to create more meaningfulness. Patterns and textures that describe her knitwear are inspired by local surroundings. “My drive is the world of patterns and textures. You can discover them everywhere – in natural or in unnatural, human or in nonhuman environments. Arcaic and modern, geometric and abstract ones. To let them tell their stories and build them up, create paths through them, to make us wander along these roads. That is the way I collect images and ideas. That is I can hold on. Freewheeling my phantasies in creative process takes me to new stories and builds up new structures.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Independent Brand
Carbon Reduction