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LYOS is a growing family brand that focuses on eco-friendly and sustainable fashion, based on the quality of 100% Belarusian linen. The word LYOS is a transliteration of the Belarusian word "лёс", which means destiny. At a certain point, we realized clearly that flax is an integral part of life in Belarus. When we were creating our first collection, we came across a phrase that defined our way: "I think that the future of fashion is in the style itself, and not in the dictatorship of designers". And it hit the spot. We decided that at LYOS we will offer women freedom and basic tools so that everyone can use them when creating their own style. We create simple, timeless things of good quality, flexible enough to be worn from morning to night, that allow you to be different.
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand