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Mari and Fatou

A collaboration between Ani, her children Maryam and Fatimah, and a team of seasoned artisans, Mari and Fatou seeks to preserve the traditions of both its founders and makers. Inspired by the brand’s Armenian, West African and Persian roots, the collection fuses Ani’s modern design aesthetic with her family’s ancestral techniques and the traditional handwork of artisans in India. Designed to be worn for a lifetime, the pieces are imbued with the powerful stories of the people who created them. We are here to honor makers who have been dedicating their lives to producing garments for mass retailers but whose craftsmanship has gone uncredited and largely remains unknown. By bringing their exquisite work to the forefront we are playing a role in the preservation of ancient traditions.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Skilled Artisan
Responsible Packaging
Independent Brand