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Nette Rose is a lifestyle intimate label focusing on all things ethical and kind. Nette Rose was created during my first year of fashion studies, she was just a concept then and materialised during my second year after I sold all of my vintage clothing at markets for ‘seed money’ I knew Nette Rose was first and foremost going to always be designed for the babes who know and are learning the power of dressing for themselves - hence our mantra was born. She is a wild one. With a gentle soul. Who sways to her own rhythm and dresses for herself. Our name also came at the very early stages, Blessed with two groovy grandmothers, one Rose and the other Nette, who both are an inspiration from their cheeky know what they want attitude, classic style, adventurous spirit and inspiring me to get into fashion and sewing. It was a no-brainer from day one who the Nette Rose babe was and how she got her name.
Independent Brand