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Hey, Bulldog! Design

We believe in creating innovative products that really make you look at them and that simply make you happy having them in your home. Life’s too short to surround yourself with dull, drab homewares! We are Amanda and Joe and we come from a Fine Art and Engineering background. For us, happiness is the process of making! We play with materials and colour and from this process create beautiful homewares. Our love of transforming and our strong desire to be as sustainable and future-friendly as possible, has led us to working with materials like concrete, Jesmonite, metal and wood. There are certain products we always have in our range but because of our playful making process our designs are constantly evolving. Each of our handmade products is unique with its own distinct patterns and natural imperfections. We produce our designs in limited numbers so we can keep our colour palette and textures fresh and exciting.
Independent Brand