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LOOkX: No empty promises, just results. LOOkX skincare pampers your skin. It is unique in its high percentages of active ingredients, including LOOkX 'magical ingredient plant stem cells. These ensure that real changes will take place in your skin. LOOkX make-up consists of the most beautiful products with protective, nourishing and anti-aging properties. The great thing: the two complement each other. If you apply makeup that clogs your pores after using skincare products, you will destroy the effect of your skin care. Sin! That is why there is LOOkX skin care make-up, which actually enhances the effect of LOOkX skincare products. Lookx range is 90% vegan, the other 10% is 100% vegetarian. The only non vegan ingredients in the 10% of product are lanolin & beeswax. No animal testing.
Happy Worker
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Cruelty Free
Charitable Donation
Ethical Leader
Responsible Packaging
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