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SiiZU is an eco-friendly fashion label with a big vision for the world - making sustainable and ethical fashion affordable to the conscious consumer. Founded in 2016, the company is built on a foundation of beautiful and low-impact fabrics that are as impressive to the touch as they are on the environment. Here at SiiZU, our only passing grade for natural fabric is 100%. That means our eco-friendly materials are 100% natural and 100% sustainably grown - containing 0% polyester, 0% toxins. This is what we promise to deliver, and this is what you deserve. In our continuous effort on countering our effects on the ecosystem, SiiZU donates generously to help American Forest reach its goal of planting 2.7 million trees across 44 projects nationally this year to restore and protect critical wildlife habitat. Tree fibers are the base of some of our sustainable fabric, and we are hoping to close this ecological loop that SiiZU has created through our partnership with American Forest. You can know that your shopping cart now holds the opportunities for planting a new life, and the best thing is giving back to earth comes at no extra cost to you.
Independent Brand