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Boté A Mano

Boté A Mano shoes are a bridge of know-hows between different cultures, carrying on a blend of different countries' cultural identity that results in a unique combination of the Eastern and the Western traditions and techniques. Every Boté A Mano luxury shoes is handcrafted in Italy by the hands of the finest Italian shoemakers, using unique hand woven fabrics from the East. Fabrics that are the main characteristic of Boté A Mano designer flat shoes are used to unfold the cultural history and traditions of their motherland. For the “Inaugural Collection 01” we worked closely with the weavers in Banaras, a city in India known for their exquisite silk weaving techniques since 17th century, to bring back two historical patterns, the floral and geometrical, that represent the advent of Mughals in India in the 13th century and a fascinating fusion of Indian, Mongol and Persian arts & cultures.
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