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Raised in Shanghai, Judy Wu first expressed herself through painting. Art led her to fashion design and a move to London to study at Central Saint Martins where she graduated in 2009. The creation of womenswear as a work of art is still a driving force behind the Judy Wu label she launched in 2013. Wu’s aesthetic highlights feminine strength and sensuality with intricate embellishments and engineered color blocking. Balanced between artistry and wearability, Wu’s designs are cut with precision using an eclectic mix of fabrics. JUDY WU is stocked in boutiques in London, Shanghai, Riyadh and Oakland and is also available online. The brand has received prominent coverage in WGSN, Harper’s Bazaar China, Wonderland, Stella Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Nouvelles d’Europe and Drapers while the latest collections are also presented on Vogue UK.
Independent Brand