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Walls of Benin

Loungewear - Streetwear - Everywear Pyjamas or Pajamas, known as moguls breeches in 19th century England, are often thought to be as English as Earl Grey Tea. The word and garment actually derive from Hindustani and Persian cultures. Adopted by the English upper classes during the Raj - Pjs were exported back to England, and around the world via the vast British Empire. Pjs are a symbol of the sharing of cultures and the global village that we live in, where ideas and people are free to inspire all. Founded in 2015 by Chi Atanga - Walls of Benin is an expression of an English mind and an African heart. Tailored silhouettes meet bright bold luxurious print, with the finest silk and cotton from Italy - and crafted in Portugal with small scale family run factories.
Happy Worker
Non-toxic Dyes
Ethical Leader
Independent Brand