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Cintia Gonçalves wants to inspire movement and boldness. Believing we are multiples, she made her will into unique creations. On the lightness of silk and amplitude of the kaftan, she applied exclusive prints, inspired by flashes of everyday life, nature, and urban espace. Photography is one of the tools to create them. Photos fragments become abstractions, and these become print. Always translating the desire for feeling well, for doing things different and for taking care of oneself and of the others. In order to strengthen the clothes DNA, she works only with Brazilian labor and suppliers. The clothes quality and of their timeless style avoid constant discarding, so they also reduce waste. Just like does the maximom utilization of fabrics. Here the handmade is valued, preserving a uniqueness of each piece and a quality of finishes. The result is timeless pieces, unique and delightful to wear.
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