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Vintage Cushions

For years I have been a fashion and accessories designer and have sourced a wealth of original fabrics, ranging from mid-century textiles to rare silk scarves. Viewing them together takes you on a journey through time. These treasured fabrics I transform into beautifully crafted cushions; with each one I apply immense attention to detail to guarantee an exceptional and luxurious finish, something worthy of their heritage, an integral part of my making each cushion is to accomplish a high standard of workmanship. My collections combine an eclectic range of both contemporary and original vintage fabrics; finished with complimentary trimmings and a vintage button is added onto the zip finding. A personally hand written luggage label is attached describing the fabric used, along with its year of manufacture and provenance; on the reverse side are the care details and instructions. Many of my cushions feature mismatched sides, offering a subtle or striking alternative. Simply by turning the cushion over can alter an interior setting in a moment. Vintage Cushions are are often viewed as being ‘Art on your Couch’
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