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Organic Skincare with... By Sarah

by Emma Foreman

By Sarah is a plant-based skincare brand. Its eponymous founder created the specific blends to help restore her sister Lauren's skin when she was recovering from leukemia. They launched the business together with the intention of both enhancing overall wellbeing as well as having a positive environmental impact. 

Their Organic Facial Oil being awarded the Best Facial Oil (for the third year in a row) at the 2020 Beauty Shortlist Awards, so read on to find out more about their brand, and how they are finding organic skincare to be a saviour during isolation...
  • Adapting to the new normal of working from home, social distancing and trying to find a new routine is a challenging transition we're all going through. And with all of the uncertainty, it can feel like so much is out of our control. But what I've learned so far is that there is real magic in the everyday rhythms and routines we each have day in, day out. They bring comfort and reveal a hidden beauty that make us feel connected, calmer and more grounded.
  • One way I've found a much-needed sense of calm and connection is through my daily skincare rituals and taking the time to luxuriate in each individual step of my skincare routine. We detail a full ingredient list on the front label across our collection so you know exactly what you're giving your skin; where 100% of the contents are there to support your skin's health. No more confusion or guesswork on what you're using and whether it can provide the anti-ageing, skin balancing and brightening properties you're looking for. You can free yourself from the excess of multiple products and multi-step skincare routines – and take a more mindful, slower approach to your skincare routine.
  • We choose certified-organic, plant based ingredients across our collection to restore the skin. Making this organic choice means ingredients with higher vitamin and mineral profiles, enriching our skincare with the nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy. From collagen-boosting organic sweet almond oil to anti-inflammatory organic pumpkin seed oil in our Organic Facial Oil.
  • When choosing plant-based skincare, choose organic over natural. With no harmful chemicals, such as synthetic pesticides, artificial chemical fertilisers, herbicides and GM crops, used to grow the organic ingredients, they're better for your skin, wellbeing and the environment. We use cold-pressed organic oils which preserves the ingredient quality, potency and purity in a way that heat-treating cannot, and these oils absorb into your skin far more easily.
  • Each ingredient we use is expertly selected to perform a specific function for your skin. There is no water, fillers or any ingredients to dilute the integrity and potency of the organic, plant based ingredients we use.
  • Many of the products in our collection are vegan. A vegan product means it's free from animal-derived ingredients and animal testing. Look for the vegan trademark logo in our collection, it's the only way to be sure that the product meets the strict requirements maintained by The Vegan Society.
  • We believe that no animals should be harmed to produce skincare, so our full collection is certified cruelty free.
  • We use amber glass bottles and glass jars for our organic skincare collection. To protect the integrity and high nutrient content of the organic, cold pressed plant-based oils, we use amber bottles which help to keep out the deteriorating effects of sunlight. The glass is also fully reusable. You can up-cycle the Organic Facial Oil and Organic Body Oil bottles as a single stem vase or use the Green Clay Face Mask and Green Clay Cleansing Balm jars as a home for kitchen essentials or jewelry. And when the glass is eventually recycled, it breaks down naturally and returns to its original state, mainly silica sand.    
  • We believe that less is more. It's why we don't use external cartons for any of our organic skincare to reduce excess packaging. Each order is hand-packed with fully recyclable paper and the smallest size box available is selected for each order. We only use cardboard shipping boxes which are fully recyclable and made from recycled material. There is no single use plastic, bubble wrap or packing tape.