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The Folklore of British Botanical Oils

by Amy Wright

Londe creates natural skincare and aromatherapy oils from 100% UK grown botanicals.

Inspired by ancient anointing traditions, Londe’s locally sourced oils are designed to gently nurture the skin and self. The healing, protective properties of natural plant oils have been used in blessings and rituals for thousands of years and creator Amy Wright shares some of the folklore behind her favorite ingredients.

‘Oils made from such precious natural ingredients should be a luxury, a ritual, an almost sacred connection with the earth.’

Rosemary Essential Oil
Traditionally, rosemary was sacred to remembrance, friendship and protection. During the Middle Ages, it was believed to remove negativity and cleanse sacred spaces; rosemary adorned bridal bouquets and sprigs of were given to wedding guests as a token of remembrance. More recently, research has shown that the aroma from rosemary can improve concentration, performance and accuracy. I’ve used it in our Body Oil and Stillness Oil for its reviving and mood enhancing properties and I love giving these to friends as a nod to rosemary’s traditions.

Borage Seed Oil
Bee-friendly borage is my favorite base oil and it features in both our Evening Oil and Starflower Serum. With a silken feel and nourishing properties, it’s a saviour for all skin types and boosts natural moisture barriers. Also known as ‘starflower’, borage was believed to bring courage to the heart and drive away sadness; medieval knights wore scarves embroidered with these flowers and Victorian women added borage petals to wine to lift the spirit (have tried, can confirm!). Borage oil has been praised as a wonder oil for it’s uniquely high levels of gamma linolenic fatty acids (GLAs) - one of the most effective agents for maintaining healthy, radiant skin.

Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender used to be the flower of love in much the same way roses are today. Tudor girls drank lavender tea to help them see their future husbands and in Elizabethan times, lavender was thought to be an aphrodisiac, a way to keep lovers faithful and also to soothe broken hearts. It was placed under mattresses for passion and lavender under a pillow was said to bring dreams of true love. Today lavender is associated with its the calming and relaxing properties, thanks to a potent compound called linalool which has been shown to help release serotonin and reduce cortisol levels. I use a drop of lavender in all of our aromatic blends. It balances the more herbaceous scents, and I’m a bit of a romantic at heart.

Chamomile Essential Oil
These familiar daisy-like flowers are one of the oldest and most trusted herbs to heal and soothe. Chamomile was one of the nine sacred herbs; an essential plant in monastery gardens for protection, sleep and meditation. It was planted near windows to guard the home against spirits, babies were blessed in chamomile water and the flowers were sewn into pillows to promote drowsiness. These calming properties are still valued today and I’ve added chamomile to our gorgeous Botanic Evening Oil, as a skin replenishing bedtime ritual to help peaceful sleep.